Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mystery Guest #3 - And the answer is...

Ok- so the last two mystery guests I posted were solved in less than a day (smart crowd). This one will hopefully be a bit tougher. All I will say right now is that she was only in a few films and in all the magazines I have from the early thirties, I can't find a single mention. The strange thing is, a postcard exists for her and has the MGM insignia on it. The explanation for that may be that her father was a top ranked actor at the time and perhaps held some sway in getting publicity for his daughter. Good Luck.

Sept 1 hint - one of her five films starred John Wayne.

Sept 5 hint - Wayne's film is from 1938 - now that oughta do it. Don't let me down guys!

Sept 7 - see comment number two for more about...Lenore Bushman.

Mystery Guest #3 - What do you think - Allure?


Anonymous said...

Doreen McKay?

Operator_99 said...

Well I can see where you were going - Doreen certainly was in a John Wayne picture, though not with our mystery guest. Since it is now just a matter of elimination...the answer is Lenore Bushman, the daughter of Francis X. Bushman, who was called "King of the Movies". Although the nickname was eventually given to Clark Gable, it is engraved on Bushman's headstone in Los Angeles.

Bushman had 5 children, none really succeeded in film, however Lenore's sister, Virgina, and her brother Ralph appeared in a number of films.

Lenore and her sister both had bit parts in 1926's Road to Mandalay, directed by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney.